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Metal Time Tank Conqueror FV214 constructor kit
Metal Time Tank Conqueror FV214
The FV214 Conqueror was conceived in 1946 as a response to two other categories of vehicles: the German panzer tanks that had demonstrated superior firepower during World War II, and the Soviet IS-3 heavy tank that entered service in 1945. The Conqueror’s 120mm gun was considered an advantage, but tank crews generally found the vehicle difficult to maneuver. Once the Centurion was outfitted with a 105mm gun, the Conqueror was withdrawn from use in the 1960s.
Prototyp history
Large-scale battles did not accompany the Cold War on the battlefield. But fierce battles raged in the design bureaus. New military challenges demanded new technical solutions. British engineers, abandoning the idea of "cruiser" tanks, began to develop heavy ones. One of the promising models was the FV 214 "Conqueror". The project of the over 60 tons tank appeared in 1949, but this tank went into serial production only in 1955.
The main weapon of the tank was a 120-mm gun. The length of the fighting vehicle together with the cannon was more than 11 meters. The engine with a power of 810 hp drove this huge thing with a speed of up to 35 km/h on a hard surface. The aiming fire could be made only from a standing position.
In combat, the main firepower of the "Conqueror" was two 7.63 mm M1919 machine guns.
Distinctive features of the tank's architecture were a turret and hull with ricochet panels and a chassis with four bogies of two rollers and two drive wheels.
The crew of the heavy tank consisted of four men. The mechanic driver was in the platform and three other soldiers were in the turret. There was also a commander's turret with all-round visibility.
In addition to combat duty in the British Armed Forces, the "Conqueror" was a testing ground for engineering research. Its weak point was considered insufficient protection, but this was corrected in the new modifications. However, the tank could not withstand competition with other models and its production was stopped by the 60s.
Features, advantagesIn the popular tank MMO game "World of Tanks" "Conqueror" is still in service. This premium IX-level tank is a powerful weapon for battles with strong opponents.
The self-assembly model FV 214 "Conqueror" is a product of the collaboration of "Wargaming" and "Metal Time Workshop". On the bottom of the model is the logo "WoT" and each set comes with a bonus pack from "Wargaming". It contains the activation code of the game with which you can start playing the most popular online tank strategy, as well as "T2" light tank + Slot +7 Days of "WoT" premium account + 500 gold. A great start for the novice online tank player!
The FV 214 "Conqueror" features the recognizable design of a heavy tank: unique turret shape, long main gun, machine guns, commander's turret, hatches, bunker for ammo, and eight-roller chassis with two drive wheels. The surfaces are textured and etched by electrochemical etching, making the model look like the original vehicle. All details are made of stainless steel, which is used in the food industry, consumer goods, and toys. Assembly of FV 214 "Conqueror" excludes any harm to the owner. Precise cutting allows assembling the model without using additional tools, soldering, and gluing.
Easy to fold
All parts are separated and connected with light finger pressure, avoiding possible cuts or stitches during assembly.
The Metal Time kit contains small parts that may be dangerous for children under 14 years of age under certain conditions. If children are to assemble the model, parental supervision should be provided.
User Manual
A user manual guides you through the assembly process.
When developing designs for creative people, there is no boundary between fantasy and reality.
Quantity of parts, pcs | 46 |
Difficulty level, from 1 to 8 | 1 |
Hours to assemble (average) | 1 |
Model size (cm) | 15.5×5.6×4.0 |
Model size (inch) | 6.10×2.20×1.57 |
Scale | 1:72 |
Real Steel |
Branded by Wargaming |
Turnable Turret |
Historically accurate model |
Das Produkt wurde vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 vom Hersteller auf den Markt gebracht
und von uns auch schon vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 zum Verkauf angeboten.
Es besteht Konformität des Produkts nach Richtlinie 2001/95/EG.
Das Produkt wurde vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 vom Hersteller auf den Markt gebracht
und von uns auch schon vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 zum Verkauf angeboten.
Es besteht Konformität des Produkts nach Richtlinie 2001/95/EG.
Modellbauartikel für Modellbauer ab 14 Jahre. Benutzung unter unmittelbarer Aufsicht von Erwachsenen. Mindestalter: 14 Jahre. Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluck barer Kleinteile.
Hobby modells items for modellers aged 14 and up. For use under the direct supervision of an adult. Minimum age: 14 years. Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard due to small parts that can be swallowed.
Articles de modélisme pour modélistes à partir de 14 ans. Utilisation sous la surveillance directe d'un adulte. Âge minimum : 14 ans. Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois. Risque d'étouffement dû à l'ingestion de petites pièces.
Artículos de modelismo para modelistas mayores de 14 años. Utilizar bajo la supervisión directa de adultos. Edad mínima: 14 años. No apto para niños menores de 36 meses. Peligro de asfixia por ingestión de piezas pequeñas.
Artigos de modelação para modelistas com idade igual ou superior a 14 anos. Utilizar sob a supervisão direta de adultos. Idade mínima: 14 anos. Não adequado para crianças com menos de 36 meses. Perigo de asfixia devido a peças pequenas que podem ser engolidas
Articoli di modellismo per modellisti dai 14 anni in su. Da utilizzare sotto la diretta supervisione di adulti. Età minima: 14 anni. Non adatto a bambini di età inferiore a 36 mesi. Pericolo di soffocamento a causa delle piccole parti che possono essere ingerite.
Статии за моделиране за моделисти на възраст 14 и повече години. Използвайте под прякото наблюдение на възрастни. Минимална възраст: 14 години. Не е подходящ за деца на възраст под 36 месеца. Опасност от задушаване поради малки части, които могат да бъдат погълнати
Modelbouwartikelen voor modelbouwers vanaf 14 jaar. Gebruiken onder direct toezicht van een volwassene. Minimumleeftijd: 14 jaar. Niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 36 maanden. Gevaar voor verstikking door kleine onderdelen die ingeslikt kunnen worden.
Artykuły modelarskie dla modelarzy w wieku od 14 lat. Używać pod bezpośrednim nadzorem osoby dorosłej. Minimalny wiek: 14 lat. Nieodpowiednie dla dzieci w wieku poniżej 36 miesięcy. Ryzyko zadławienia z powodu małych części, które mogą zostać połknięte.
Modelleringsartikler for modelbyggere på 14 år og derover. Brug under direkte opsyn af voksne. Minimumsalder: 14 år. Ikke egnet til børn under 36 måneder. Kvælningsfare på grund af små dele, der kan sluges.
Eesti keeles:
Modelleerimisartiklid modelleerijatele alates 14. eluaastast. Kasutada otsese täiskasvanu järelevalve all. Minimaalne vanus: 14 aastat. Ei sobi alla 36 kuu vanustele lastele. Allaneelamisoht väikeste osade tõttu, mida võib alla neelata.
Mallinnusartikkelit vähintään 14-vuotiaille mallareille. Käyttö suorassa aikuisen valvonnassa. Vähimmäisikä: 14 vuotta. Ei sovellu alle 36 kuukauden ikäisille lapsille. Tukehtumisvaara, koska pieniä osia voi niellä.
Άρθρα μοντελισμού για μοντελιστές ηλικίας 14 ετών και άνω. Χρήση υπό την άμεση επίβλεψη ενηλίκων. Ελάχιστη ηλικία: 14 έτη. Ακατάλληλο για παιδιά κάτω των 36 μηνών. Κίνδυνος πνιγμού λόγω μικρών τμημάτων που μπορεί να καταποθούν
Míreanna tógála múnlaí do thógálaithe samhlacha atá 14 bliana d’aois agus níos sine. Úsáid faoi mhaoirseacht dhíreach duine fásta. Aois íosta: 14 bliana. Níl sé oiriúnach do leanaí faoi 36 mí. Contúirt plúchadh mar gheall ar chodanna beaga is féidir a shlogadh.
predmeti za izradu modela za graditelje modela od 14 i više godina. Koristite pod izravnim nadzorom odrasle osobe. Minimalna dob: 14 godina. Nije prikladno za djecu mlađu od 36 mjeseci. Opasnost od gušenja zbog sitnih dijelova koji se mogu progutati.
Latviešu valodā:
Raksti par modelēšanu modelētājiem vecumā no 14 gadiem. Lietošana tiešā pieaugušo uzraudzībā. Minimālais vecums: 14 gadi. Nav piemērots bērniem līdz 36 mēnešu vecumam. Aizrīšanās briesmas mazu detaļu dēļ, kuras var norīt.
Lietuvių kalba:
modeliavimo straipsniai, skirti 14 metų ir vyresniems modeliuotojams. Naudoti tiesiogiai prižiūrint suaugusiesiems. Minimalus amžius: 14 metų. Netinka jaunesniems nei 36 mėnesių vaikams. Užspringimo pavojus dėl mažų dalių, kurias galima praryti.
Articole de modelare pentru modelatori cu vârsta de peste 14 ani. Utilizați sub supravegherea directă a adulților. Vârsta minimă: 14 ani. Nu este potrivit pentru copiii sub 36 de luni. Pericol de sufocare din cauza părților mici care pot fi înghițite
Oġġetti tal-bini tal-mudelli għall-bennejja tal-mudelli minn 14-il sena 'l fuq. Uża taħt is-superviżjoni diretta ta 'adult. Età minima: 14-il sena. Mhux adattat għal tfal taħt is-36 xahar. Periklu ta’ soffokazzjoni minħabba partijiet żgħar li jistgħu jinbelgħu.
Modelleringsartiklar för modellerare från 14 år och uppåt. Används under direkt överinseende av vuxna. Minimiålder: 14 år. Inte lämplig för barn under 36 månader. Risk för kvävning på grund av små delar som kan sväljas
Modelárske články pre modelárov od 14 rokov. Používajte pod priamym dohľadom dospelej osoby. Minimálny vek: 14 rokov. Nevhodné pre deti mladšie ako 36 mesiacov. Nebezpečenstvo udusenia kvôli malým častiam, ktoré môžu byť prehltnuté
članki o modeliranju za modelarje, stare 14 let in več. Uporabljajte pod neposrednim nadzorom odrasle osebe. Najnižja starost: 14 let. Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 36 mesecev. Nevarnost zadušitve zaradi majhnih delov, ki se lahko pogoltnejo
Modelářské články pro modeláře od 14 let. Používejte pod přímým dohledem dospělých. Minimální věk: 14 let. Nevhodné pro děti mladší 36 měsíců. Nebezpečí udušení kvůli malým částem, které mohou být spolknuty.
Modellező cikkek 14 éves és idősebb modellezők számára. Felnőttek közvetlen felügyelete mellett használható. Minimum életkor: 14 év. Nem alkalmas 36 hónaposnál fiatalabb gyermekek számára. Fulladásveszély a lenyelhető apró részek miatt.
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